舉辦名稱:TAF'98 台北國際藝術博覽會

由劉煥獻先生擔任台北國際藝術博覽會召集人、畫廊協會理事長洪平濤先生擔任執行長、副執行長錢文雷先生、秘書長陸潔民先生共同組建團隊,於台北世貿中心一館 A 區舉行 TAF'98 台北國際藝術博覽會,台灣參展畫廊 39 家,國際畫廊 10 家。除畫廊區之外,對照東西方當代藝術現況,設置「當代藝術主題區」規畫「馬塔主題館」、「草間彌生主題館」,邀請西方超現實主義大師馬塔(ROBERTO MATTA)與日本前衛藝術家草間彌生(YAYOI KUSAMA)親臨台北會場,造成大眾熱烈迴響。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

In 1998, Mr. Liu Huanxian served as the convener of the TAIPEI ART FAIR, Mr. Hong Pingtao, the chairman of TAGA, served as the executive director, Mr. Qian Wenlei as the deputy executive director, and Mr. Lu Jiemin as the secretary-general. Together, they formed a team and held the TAF'98 TAIPEI ART FIAR INTERNATIONAL in Section A of the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1. There were 39 Taiwanese galleries and 10 international galleries joining in the exposition. In addition to the gallery area, reflecting the contemporary art scenes of the East and West, the fair set up a sector for "Contemporary Art Theme" dedicated to "Roberto Matta Pavilion" and "Yayoi Kusama Pavilion." They invited the Western surrealist master Roberto Matta and the avant-garde Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama to personally attend the Taipei venue, creating a strong powerful public response.

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