舉辦名稱:2005 台北國際藝術博覽會

2005 年「TAF 台北國際藝術博覽會」轉型以當代藝術為主,更名為「ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會」,簡稱 AT,並設計鮮明的國際化 Logo,展現台灣藝術創意產業的新穎面貌。展會由理事長徐政夫、台北國際藝術博覽會執委會召集人劉煥獻領軍,秘書長為石隆盛。展會首次在台北世貿中心三館舉辦,台灣參展單位包括畫廊及藝文空間共 48 家,國際畫廊 6 家。大會以「亞洲.青年.新藝術」為主題,延續「年度藝術家」規畫。文建會首度正式與畫廊協會共同主辦台北國際藝術博覽會,文建會並啟動「青年藝術家購藏計畫」開始在 ART TAIPEI 進行購藏選件。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 3

In 2005, the "TAF TAIPEI ART FAIR" transitioned to focus primarily on contemporary art and was renamed "ART TAIPEI," abbreviated as A T. It also designed a distinctive international logo to display the new face of Taiwan's art and creative industry. The exposition was led by the chairman of TAGA, Xu Zhengfu, with Liu Huanxian as the convener of the executive committee and Shi Longsheng as the secretary-general. The fair was held for the first time at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 3. There was a total of 48 domestic participants, including galleries and art spaces, as well as 6 international exhibitors. The theme of the exposition was titled "Asia Live: New Artists, New Art," continuing the "Artist of the Year" project. The Council for Cultural Affairs entered its first official collaboration with the Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA) to jointly host ART TAIPEI. The Council for Cultural Affairs also initiated the "Young Artists' Art Acquisition Program" and began selecting artworks for acquisition at ART TAIPEI.

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