舉辦名稱:2022 台北國際藝術博覽會

由張逸羣理事長繼續領軍與秘書長游文玫在新冠肺炎疫情艱困環境下,力推台北藝博籌備進度,文化部亦從旁助攻,持續提供參展的國內展商紓困補助。展覽集結 89 家台灣畫廊、38 家海外畫廊,跨越 8 個國家地區,展商使用面積創歷年新高。首次集結全台最多共計22家美術館共同合作館際聯盟;舉辦共 26 場展前及展期沙龍講座論壇,邀請 102 位講者,創下歷屆場次及講者最多紀錄。首開先例在ART TAIPEI 現場打造直播錄音間,新創「藝術聲鮮 ART TAIPEI Live Talk」Podcast 專區,透過聲音主打不間斷聊藝術。展會同時以尊重生態環境,邁向綠色展會的永續目標前進,發表「綠色宣言及行動計畫」,宣告「台灣藝術永續聯盟」(TASA)成立。第七屆「藝術教育日」DIY 活動結合永續精神,運用電子廢料及回收玩具零件做為媒材,交織「美學」和「環保」的教育議題。本屆展會適逢畫廊協會成立 30 週年,特別在藝博會中規畫系列展出及活動,包括由台北藝術產經研究室推出「30 週年特展區:未來的記憶」;台北藝博開幕式頒布「三十週年最佳貢獻獎」予歷屆畫廊協會理事長,感謝其披荊斬棘的艱辛與篳路藍縷貢獻的過程。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

Under the unwavering leadership of TAGA chairman Zhang Yiqun, and secretary-general You Wenmei, ART TAIEPI advanced in its preparations despite the challenging environment of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry of Culture also provided support from the sidelines and continued extending relief subsidies to assist domestic exhibitors. The exposition brought together a total of 89 Taiwanese galleries and 38 overseas galleries from 8 different countries and regions, attaining the largest exhibitor utilization space in its history. In a groundbreaking move, 22 art museums came together to establish a collaborative Inter-Museum alliance, hosting an unprecedented 26 pre-exhibition and exhibition salon lectures and forums, featuring a remarkable roster of 102 speakers. This achievement set a new record for both the number of sessions and the diversity of speakers in the event’s history. A live recording room was set up on-site at ART TAIPEI, creating a new "Young Voice ART TAIPEI Live Talk" podcast area, focusing on continuous art discussions through an audio platform. The exposition also placed a strong emphasis on the ecological environment and a commitment to becoming an eco-friendly and sustainable event, through the introduction of the "Green Declaration and Action Plan,” which heralded the formation of the "Taiwan Art Sustainability Alliance" (TASA). The 7th "Art Education DIY” event seamlessly integrated sustainability by utilizing electronic waste and recycled toy components as materials, intertwining educational topics of "aesthetics" and "environmental protection.” This particular edition of the exposition aligned with the 30th anniversary of the Gallery Association's inception. Special exhibitions and activities were integrated into the art fair’s program, notably featuring the "30th Anniversary Special Exhibition: Memories of the Future" initiated by the Taipei Art Economy Research Center. The ART TAIPEI opening ceremony presented the "30th Anniversary Best Contribution Award" to past chairpersons of the Gallery Association, expressing gratitude for their dedicated efforts and significant contributions throughout the challenging and pioneering journey.

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