舉辦名稱:TAF'95 台北國際藝術博覽會

1995 年中華民國畫廊博覽會從台灣區域性活動,首次跨足國際藝術市場,營造超越展覽的視野,更名為「TAF'95 台北國際藝術博覽會」,於台北世貿中心一館 A 區舉行。第一次加入國際畫廊參展,台灣參展畫廊為 62 家、國際參展畫廊為 17 家,分別來自英國、法國、美國、日本、義大利、香港、新加坡及澳洲等地。台北國際藝術博覽會由畫廊協會理事長李亞俐女士擔任總召集人、劉煥獻先生擔任執行長、秘書長為蕭國棟先生。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

In 1995, the ART GALLERIES FAIR R.O.C. which was originally a regional event in Taiwan, took its initial step into the international art market. It sought to create a vision beyond borders and was renamed as TAF'95 TAIPEI ART FAIR INTERNATIONAL (aka TAIPEI ART FAIR). The fair was held in Section A of the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1. For the first time, international galleries participated in the art fair, alongside 62 Taiwanese galleries and 17 international galleries from countries such as the UK, France, USA, Japan, Italy, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia. Ms. Li Yali, the chairman of the Gallery Association (TAGA), served as the convener of the art fair, Mr. Liu Huanxian as the executive director, and Mr. Xiao Guodong as the secretary-general.

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