本屆由畫廊協會前任理事長徐政夫擔任執行委員會召集人,當屆理事長蕭耀擔任執行長、副執行長黃河、秘書長曾珮貞,以「藝術與文學」為主題,邀集 50 家台灣畫廊、17 家國際畫廊參展。展場從世貿二館向外延伸至華納威秀影城中庭,開闢戶外裝置藝術展區「超級平台 Outra Fair」,成為當代藝術家參與台北藝博的另類平台。幸逢國際與台灣藝術市場買氣回溫,ART TAIPEI 2007 成績斐然,創下「高參觀人次」、「高單筆成交金額」、「高總成交金額」的佳績,也證明亞洲藝術市場已開始蓬勃發展。
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 2
In this edition, the former chairman of TAGA, Xu Zhengfu, served as the convener of the ART TAIEPI executive committee. The chairman of TAGA, York HSIAO, served as the executive director, with Huang He as the deputy director and Zeng Peizhen as the secretary-general. The theme of the expo was "Art and Literature," and 50 domestic galleries and 17 international galleries were invited to participate. The exposition expanded from Hall 2 of the Taipei World Trade Center to the courtyard of the Warner Vieshow Cinemas, creating an outdoor installation art area called "Outra Fair," which served as an alternative platform for contemporary artists to showcase in ART TAIPEI. Fortunately, with the international and Taiwanese art markets showing signs of recovery, ART TAIPEI 2007 achieved remarkable results, setting outstanding records for "high attendance," "high individual transaction amounts," and "high total transaction amounts." This success also demonstrated that the Asian art market has begun to flourish.