舉辦名稱:2008 台北國際藝術博覽會

2008 台北國際藝術博覽會第一次榮獲經濟部頒發「台灣會展躍升獎」。在經歷 10 年的景氣低谷後,展會再度回到世貿一館舉辦,由畫廊協會理事長蕭耀擔任執行委員會召集人兼執行長、秘書長為曾珮貞,中華民國對外貿易發展協會首次擔任共同主辦單位。團隊招商時,報名即十分踴躍,最終遴選 63 家台灣畫廊、48 家國際畫廊參展。ART TAIPEI 2007 的「超級平台 Outra Fair」計畫,成功將青年藝術家推上主流藝術市場,促成 2008 年文建會首次與 ART TAIPEI 合作設置「MIT 台灣製造—新人推薦特區 Made in Taiwan—Young Artist Discovery」,評選 8 位 35 歲以下之年輕藝術家,建構畫廊與藝術家的合作關係,成為當年度的觀展焦點。另外,為提升展會工程品質,2008 年畫廊協會自行開發製作高度 3.6 米的第一代展板,於本屆藝博會首次使用,開啟畫廊協會自有展板的新紀元。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

The 2008 ART TAIPEI inaugurally received the "Taiwan Exhibition Leap Award" from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. After 10 years of economic downturn, the exposition returned to the World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, with TAGA chairman Xiao Yao serving as the convener and executive director of the executive committee and Zeng Peizhen as the secretary-general. The Bureau of Foreign Trade became the co-organizer for the first time. When the team was soliciting exhibitors, the applications were met with great enthusiasm, and ultimately 63 Taiwanese galleries and 48 international galleries were chosen to participate. The "Super Platform Outra Fair" project of ART TAIPEI 2007 successfully propelled young artists into the mainstream art market, making the first collaboration between the Council for Cultural Affairs and ART TAIPEI 2008, launching the "MIT Made in Taiwan Up and Coming Artists" to select and promote 8 young artists under the age of 35. This initiative not only fostered a strong cooperative relationship between galleries and artists but also became the focal point of the fair that year. In addition, to enhance the quality of the exposition infrastructure, in 2008, the Gallery Association (TAGA) independently developed and produced the first generation of exhibition panels, which stood at a height of 3.6 meters. These were used for the first time at this year’s expo, making the beginning of a new era for the Gallery Association's self-owned exhibition panels.

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