舉辦名稱:2009 台北國際藝術博覽會

在不景氣的預期心態及影響下,不少國家的藝術博覽會臨陣喊停或縮小辦理規模,而台北國際藝術博覽會仍舊屹立不搖,創下了比預期中更高的成績。本屆藝博會由蕭耀擔任執行委員會召集人、畫廊協會理事長王賜勇擔任執行長、副執行長則為張學孔、秘書長曾珮貞共同籌辦,匯聚 41 家台灣畫廊、37 家國際畫廊參展。ART TAIPEI 2009 針對藏家展開創新服務,由「三方藝博聯盟」規畫的「3 For VIP 亞太藝博聯盟計畫」,首次隆重邀請國際買家出席 ART TAIPEI,吸引上海、首爾、日本、東南亞頂級藏家組團來台增添買氣;另一方面,為刺激亞洲新進藏家的潛在能量,ART TAIPEI 特別開闢「藝術開門 Affordable Art」新專案,作品平易近人的價格,激盪出新入門藏家的藝術收藏浪潮。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

Under the pessimistic expectations and influences of the economic recession, many countries either canceled or downsized their art expos. However, ART TAIPEI still stood strong and achieved even better results than anticipated. The executive committee was led by Xiao Yao as the convener, with Wang Ciyong, the chairman of TAGA, serving as the executive director, and Zhang Xuekong as the deputy executive director, and Zeng Peizhen as the secretary-general. A total of 41 Taiwanese galleries and 37 international galleries took part in the exposition. In 2009, ART TAIPEI initiated innovative services for art collectors. The "3 For VIP Asia-Pacific Art Expo Alliance Project," organized by the "Three-Party Art Expo Alliance," was introduced for the first time, extending a grand invitation to international buyers to attend ART TAIPEI. This initiative attracted top collectors from Shanghai, Seoul, Japan, and Southeast Asia, boosting the art market in Taiwan. Furthermore, to stimulate the potential of emerging Asian collectors, ART TAIPEI launched the "Art Open Affordable Art" new project. Featuring artworks at approachable prices, it ignited a wave of art collecting among new and aspiring art enthusiasts.

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