舉辦名稱:2019 台北國際藝術博覽會

2019 台北國際藝術博覽會獲經濟部國貿局頒發臺灣會展獎展覽甲類「最佳展覽獎」之殊榮,這是臺灣會展產業的最高榮譽。展會由鍾經新連任理事長,持續運籌帷幄,秘書長游文玫帶領團隊前行,並以「光之再現」為主題,集結台灣 73 家、國際 68 家畫廊展商參展。ART TAIPEI 2019 透過「藝廊集錦」、「ASIA+」、「越界與混生—後解嚴與台灣當代藝術」&「佇立.遠望—台灣藏家收藏展」雙特展、「公共藝術 」、「藝術基金會特區」、「MIT 新人推薦特區」等敘事規劃,呈現當代藝術中的多樣面貌。為符合永續精神,台北藝博展場工程均長期重複使用展板,避免一次性材料增加環保負荷,主辦單位社團法人中華民國畫廊協會特別於 2019 年進行「展板全面升級計劃」,汰除破損不堪使用的展板,全面升級為鋁合金鋼骨結構第四代展板,大幅縮短了展覽工程展板組裝的時效性以及增強了結構性。


Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

The 2019 ART TAIPEI was honored with the "Best Exhibition Award" in the Exhibition Category of the Taiwan Exhibition Awards presented by the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs. This is the highest honor in Taiwan's exposition industry. This edition was under the leadership of the re-elected TAGA chairman Zhong Jingxin, who continuously devised strategies and plans, with secretary-general You Wenmei leading the team forward. The theme of this year was "Reproduction of Light," bringing together 73 Taiwanese galleries and 68 international exhibitors. ART TAIPEI 2019 presented a diverse range of contemporary art through narrative projects such as the "Gallery Highlights," "ASIA+," "Crossing Boundaries and Hybridity - Post-Martial Law and Taiwanese Contemporary Art," "Stand, Gaze Afar - Taiwanese Collector Special Exhibition," dual special exhibitions "Public Art," "Art Foundation Special Sector," and "MIT Made in Taiwan Up and Coming Artists." To adhere to sustainability principles, the ART TAIPEI expo venue has consistently employed reusable exhibition panels, avoiding the environmental burden associated with disposable materials. In 2019, the Taiwan Art Gallery Association, as the organizing entity, initiated a "Comprehensive Exhibition Panel Upgrade Project.” This initiative involved retiring damaged and unusable panels and replacing them with fourth-generation panels containing aluminum alloy steel frame structures. This upgrade significantly reduced the assembly time required for exhibition panel setups.

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