2020 年受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,全球各大城市藝術活動停擺、延後或改為線上展出,而 ART TAIPEI 2020 卻在疫情之中屹立不搖,在困難中如期舉行,在國外展商數量驟減情勢下,仍然號召了台灣 65 家、國際 12 家展商參展,這場台北獨秀的國際級藝術博覽會,將台北市打造為世界矚目的焦點。大會以「登峰.造極」為主題,正是期許在全球新冠肺炎疫情下,台北藝博擁有不畏艱難而前行的勇氣邁向高峰。展會由鍾經新理事長領軍籌辦、秘書長游文玫、執行總監賀嘉潔共同執行,並提出「產、官、學、藏」四個藝術產業支撐的結構,作為規劃展會的重點思維。藝博會現場因應設備與防疫步驟,來臺參展國際展商按照疫情管制作業辦理,預先隔離 14 日,觀眾進場參觀時全程配戴口罩。另外,為突破新冠肺炎 COVID-19 疫情限制,新創「線上展廳」機制,推出「ART TAIPEI × Artsy 線上展廳」與「2020 V ART TAIPEI VR 實境展場」,讓藏家不出門依然可以觀賞台北藝博,進而收藏藝術品。
Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted major art events worldwide, many were forced to suspend, postpone, or transition to online platforms. However, ART TAIPEI 2020 persevered through the challenges amid the pandemic, maintaining its scheduled presence. Despite the notable decline in international participants, the exposition managed to draw in 65 Taiwanese exhibitors alongside 12 international galleries. This solo international art fair positioned Taipei as a globally acknowledged hub of the art world. The exposition adopted the theme "Reaching New Heights and Achieving the Best," signifying the aspiration for ART TAIPEI to exhibit the courage to move ahead undaunted in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and ascend to new peaks. The event was organized by TAGA chairman Zhong Jinxin, secretary-general You Wenmei, and executive director He Jiajie. They proposed a framework grounded in the four cornerstones of the art industry: the “industry, government, academia, and collector,” serving as the fundamental approach for exposition planning. In compliance with equipment and epidemic prevention protocols, international exhibitors visiting Taiwan adhered to the epidemic control measures, including a mandatory 14-day quarantine period in advance. Meanwhile, visitors were required to wear masks throughout their visit to the exposition. Furthermore, in a strategic response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a novel "online exhibition hall" mechanism was introduced, featuring the launch of the "ART TAIPEI × Artsy Online Exhibition Hall" and the "2020 V ART TAIPEI VR Reality Exhibition Hall.” These innovative platforms allowed art collectors to enjoy the ART TAIPEI and acquire artworks from the comfort of their homes.